Artscape Launchpad / Daniels Waterfront
132 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Ontario
Type: New construction
Size: 1,320,000 sf
Project Cost: unknown
Development Partners:
- The Daniels Corporation
- WJ Properties
- Artscape
- George Brown College
- OCAD University
- City of Toronto
Status: Opened in 2018
City of the Arts is being called a visionary ‘live-work-play-learn-create’ master-planned community at Toronto’s emerging East Bayfront neighbourhood along the waterfront. It will include residential, office, retail, academic (George Brown College, OCAD University), arts and cultural components. The Creative Industries Hub facility will be a focal point and house a cluster of arts organizations, including the Artscape Daniels Launch- pad. Construction is in two phases and will include two condo towers. The first is a 48-storey 516-unit tower called Lighthouse Tower, with more than two offices towers with 325,000 square feet of office space.

Complexity / Collaboration
This is a large development which includes many partners. Daniels is the lead party and will relocate its head office to the office towers, sending a message to prospective tenants.
User Interaction/Partnership Framework
Daniels is looking to attract companies in media, arts, film and music production, with the idea that businesses rooted in arts and entertainment will find the space attractive, particularly given the Creative Industries Hub. Artscape will operate Launchpad using a membership model for access to its main facilities and creative production studios, including a multi-disciplinary co-working environment with equipment, technology, programs and services to help members grow their incomes and launch new businesses.
Costs / Funding
Artscape Launchpad has raised $21.4 million in funding, including $14 million in capital funding, $4.5 million in community bonds and $3 million in program and start-up funding. Capital contributors include the Daniels Foundation ($5.75 million), the Government of Canada through Canadian Heritage ($3.5 million), the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science ($3 million), TD Bank and a network of philanthropic donors. Program funding contributors include the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Daniels will contribute $3 million toward public art.
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