Ryerson Classrooms / 10 Dundas Street East
10 Dundas Street East, Toronto, Ontario
Type: New construction
Size: 340,000 sf
Project Cost: $1 million (fit-out by Ryerson)
Development Partners:
- Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University)
PenEquity Management Corp. (now owned by 10 Dundas St. Ltd.)
Status: Opened in 2008
Ryerson Classrooms / 10 Dundas Street East is a retail, office and entertainment complex that includes movie theatres and classroom space for Ryerson University students. The 13-floor building has four levels dedicated to shopping, food and cinema. Above is a 75,000-square-foot office tower. The project was built in an L-configuration around several existing buildings, including a parking garage belonging to the adjacent Ryerson University. In exchange for the air rights to build over its land, Ryerson gained use of the movie theatres as classrooms during daytime hours. Ryerson University provides morning lectures in half of the 24 theatres in the Cineplex, which can seat close to 5,000 at full capacity.

Complexity / Collaboration
Something to consider is that these numbers were largely based on current practices, meaning that the majority of the units generated are 1-2 bedroom units and amenity spaces were largely calculated based on zoning requirements. However, equally important to providing affordable units will be the provision of diverse housing types and ensuring adequate and accessible community and social services. In other words, it’s more important to consider how the redevelopment builds complete communities. While the numbers demonstrate a substantial level of development, it may be better to consider building less overall units but building more 3+ bedroom-units for families, missing middle typologies (i.e. duplexes, fourplexes, townhouses), or walk-up apartments that support walkability, affordability, and a neighbourhood’s social fabric. On the flip side, there could also be rationale to build more development if that extra development generates revenue that can be invested back into public benefits.
User Interaction/Partnership Framework
The twelve movie theatres have been engineered
into state-of-the-art lecture theatres. Ryerson stu- dents have to clear the security checkpoint at
the theatre entrance. Ryerson student I.D. is required to get in. The cinemas include cupholders at
each seat, and Ryerson specially-designed writing ks
that attach to the cupholders during classes.
Costs / Funding
Ryerson invested approximately $1 million in equipping the theatres with state-of-the art presentation technology.
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