Toronto Media Arts Cluster / Edge on Triangle Park Condominiums
36 Lisgar Street, Toronto, Ontario
Type: New construction
Size: 38,000 sf
Project Cost: $9 million (TMAC)
Development Partners:
- Urbancorps
- City of Toronto
Status: Opened in 2014 (condo); 2018 (TMAC)
The Toronto Media Arts Cluster (TMAC) / Edge on Triangle Park Condominiums is a 665-unit condominium development near Queen Street West and Dovercourt Road which integrates a 38,000 square-foot cultural hub in its base. TMAC, a coalition of non-profit arts groups, is to provide the tools and space for art, media and new technologies, as well as year-round arts and cultural programming. It will house galleries, a 210-seat theatre for film and video presentations, a film vault, equipment libraries, coworking space, production and training studio, and independent office/work spaces for the organizations involved. TMAC will also include shared spaces such as a boardroom, theatre, kitchens and other facilities.

Complexity / Collaboration
This project was initially held up as a shining example of the City’s Section 37 development charge provision, which allows builders added density outside the Official Plan in exchange for community benefit. The deal was the result of many months of negotiations involving TMAC, its professional consultants and architects, City staff, Councillor Ana Bailão, the Active18 local resident group and Urbancorp, a large condominium developer. The City Planning and Culture Departments supported the proposal but with reservations regarding the amount of additional height. Council approved a compromised position that allowed the developer the extra density necessary to finance the new facility. The Edge on Triangle Park condominium received a density bonus in exchange for a turnkey, purpose-built facility for TMAC. A deal was first the partnership later fell apart, and TMAC’s situation remains precarious.
User Interaction/Partnership Framework
TMAC occupies a part of the first, second and third floors of the Edge condo project overlooking a new park south of the building.
Costs / Funding
The value of the facility was estimated at $9 million at cost. The space was built out by the developer and ‘purchased’ by TMAC subject to a $3 million take back mortgage. The ownership of the space is guaranteed for non-profit arts or community use in perpetuity. Urbancorp financed the professional consulting work required by TMAC before obtaining City approvals, including architects, engineers and business consultants, estimated to cost approximately $500,000.
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