Varsity multi service redevelopment
132 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Ontario
Type: New construction
Size: 35,000 sf
Project Cost: $31 million
Development Partners:
- City of Calgary
- Calgary Housing Company
Status: Anticipated completion: 2023
The Varsity Multi-service Facility is a 6-storey mixed use development containing a replacement Fire Hall and Emergency Medical Services facility, a household hazardous waste drop-off facility, commercial retail, a child care facility and 48 units of affordable housing.

The subject parcel is owned by the City and no land acquisition was needed. The existing site houses the Varsity Fire Station no.17 to be replaced.
User Interaction/Partnership Framework
In 2015, Calgary City Council directed Administration to move towards a coordinated approach for planning and delivering civic facilities that optimize the use of City-owned land. Under the Integrated Civic Facilities Program (ICFP), created a comprehensive integrated redevelopment plan to replace the existing Fire Station, which was at the end of its lifecycle, and provide affordable housing to optimize the use of city-owned assets.
Costs / Funding
Funds were allocated in the capital budget for the redevelopment of the fire station. Council approved the transfer of $19M funded by Municipal Sustainability Initiative (provincial program for local infrastructure) and developer and other contributions for the construction and management of the Varsity Facility. Additionally, $12M from the Affordable Housing Development program was secured for construction and maintenance.
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