Research & Publications
Infrastructure Institute's 2023 - 2024 Annual Report
The Infrastructure Institute’s 2023/2024 Annual Report is now available! We had a very exciting year at ii and we can’t wait for you to read all about it. We couldn’t be prouder of the accomplishments of our team and all the partnerships we have made along the way. Please take a moment to view the annual report for yourself.
Public-Private Partnerships: Is a reassessment underway?
This paper charts the dramatic rise and questions whether we are seeing the beginning of the decline of PPPs in Canada, while exploring what comes next. Rather than a rejection of PPPs entirely, there is an evolution in the ways that governments and the private sector are partnering to deliver large scale infrastructure in Canada
Infrastructure Institute Publications
All Publications by Theme
2021 – 2022 Annual Report
Carvalho, N. Collaborative Solutions for Expanding Social Infrastructure with the Social Purpose Real Estate (SPRE) Accelerator
Toronto Social Purpose Real Estate Reference Group. Greater Toronto Non-Profit Community Space Survey Results
Inhabited Growth the Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation: Examining Public Investment Gaps in Black Infrastructure Needs
Rethinking Retail Land Portfolios: How to Grow Housing Supply
Creative Mixed-Use Building: A Made-in-Toronto Solution
Finding Mutual Benefit in Urban Development
2023 Annual Report
MacAlister, Charlotte, & Subramanyam, Nidhi. Eds. (2018) Adaptive water management in the face of climate change: Innovative solutions from the global South. Water International 43(2). DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1444307.
Saxe S, Guven G, Pereira L, et al. (2020) Taxonomy of uncertainty in environmental life cycle assessment of infrastructure projects. Environmental Research Letters 15(8). DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab85f8.
Siemiatycki, M. (2019). Diversity Gap in the Public-Private Partnership Industry: An Examination of Women and Visible Minorities in Senior Leadership Positions. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. 90(2), 393-414. DOI: 10.1111/apce.12240.
Siemiatycki, M. (2015). Reflections on Twenty Years of Public-Private Partnerships in Canada. Canadian Public Administration. 58(3). 343-362. DOI: 10.1111/capa.12119.
Siemiatycki, M. (2013) Riding the Wave: Explaining Cycles in Urban Mega-Project Development. Journal of Economic Policy Reform. 16:2, 160-178. DOI: 10.1080/17487870.2013.797904.
Siemiatycki, M. (2018). The Making and Impacts of a Classic Text in Megaproject Management: The Case of Cost Overrun Research. International Journal of Project Management. 36(2), 362-371. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2016.07.003.
Subramanyam, Nidhi. (2020) A small improvement: Small cities lag in expanding household water coverage across urban India. Water Policy 22(3): 468-482. DOI: 10.2166/wp.2020.116.
Subramanyam, Nidhi, & MacAlister, Charlotte. (2016) Governance of flooding risks in informal settlements in satellite cities in the Mumbai region.” South Asian Water Studies 5(3): 12–27. DOI: 10.7202/1058314ar.
Warsen, R., Koppenjan, J., Klijn, E-H., Greve, C. and Siemiatycki, M. (2020). How do professionals perceive the governance of public–private partnerships? Evidence from Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark. Public Administration. 98(1), 124-139. DOI: 10.1111/padm.12626.
Vecchi, V., Cusumano, N. and Siemiatycki, M. (2021) The Politicization of Public-Private Partnerships Following a Mega-Project Disaster: The Case of the Morandi Bridge Collapse. Revised and Resubmitted to the Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Online First. DOI: 10.1080/17487870.2020.1760101.
MacAlister, Charlotte, & Subramanyam, Nidhi. Eds. (2018) Adaptive water management in the face of climate change: Innovative solutions from the global South. Water International 43(2). DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2018.1444307.
Nahangi M, Guven G, Olanrewaju B, et al. (2021) Embodied greenhouse gas assessment of a bridge: A comparison of preconstruction Building Information Model and construction records. Journal of Cleaner Production 295. Elsevier Ltd: 126388. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126388.
Saxe S and Kasraian D (2020) Rethinking environmental LCA life stages for transport infrastructure to facilitate holistic assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(5): 1031–1046. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13010.
Saxe S and Macaskill K (2019) Toward adaptive infrastructure : the role of existing infrastructure systems Toward adaptive infrastructure : the role of existing infrastructure systems. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 00(00). Taylor & Francis: 1–4. DOI: 10.1080/23789689.2019.1681822.
Saxe S, Guven G, Pereira L, et al. (2020) Taxonomy of uncertainty in environmental life cycle assessment of infrastructure projects. Environmental Research Letters 15(8). DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab85f8.
Arku, R.N., A. Buttazzoni, K. Agyapon-Ntra, E. Bandauko. (2022) “Highlighting smart city mirages in public perceptions: A Twitter sentiment analysis of four African smart city projects”. Cities, Volume 130. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103857
Siemiatycki, M. (2018, online first). Developing Homeless Shelters Through Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of the Red Door Family Shelter in Toronto. Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2017.1368299.
Siemiatycki, M. (2019). Diversity Gap in the Public-Private Partnership Industry: An Examination of Women and Visible Minorities in Senior Leadership Positions. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. 90(2), 393-414. DOI: 10.1111/apce.12240.
Siemiatycki, M., Enright, T. and Valverde, M. (2019). The Gendered Production of Infrastructure. Progress in Human Geography. First View Online. DOI: 10.1177/0309132519828458.
Subramanyam, Nidhi, & Kudva, Neema. (2020) Acquiescence in the face of dispossession in the Mahindra World City Special Economic Zone, Tamil Nadu, India. Environment & Planning C: Politics and Space 39(1): 114-131. DOI: 10.1177/2399654420941514.
Farber, S. & L. Fu. “Dynamic public transit accessibility using travel time cubes: Comparing the effects of infrastructure (dis)investments over time”. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 62, 30-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.10.005.
Farber, S. & M. Grandez. “Transit Accessibility, Land Development and Socioeconomic Priority: A Typology of Planned Station Catchment Areas in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area”. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(1), 1-24. DOI: 10.5198/jtlu.2017.980.
Siemiatycki and Fagan (2019) Transit in the Greater Toronto Area: How to Get Back on the Rails. Perspectives Paper, IMFG. Online access:
Siemiatycki, M. (2015). Mixing Public and Private Uses in the Same Building: Opportunities and Barriers. Journal of Urban Design. 20(2), 230-250. DOI: 10.1080/13574809.2015.1009012.
Arku, R.N., A. Buttazzoni, K. Agyapon-Ntra, E. Bandauko. (2022) “Highlighting smart city mirages in public perceptions: A Twitter sentiment analysis of four African smart city projects”. Cities, Volume 130. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103857
Farber, S. & L. Fu. “Dynamic public transit accessibility using travel time cubes: Comparing the effects of infrastructure (dis)investments over time”. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 62, 30-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.10.005.
Siemiatycki, M. (2013) Riding the Wave: Explaining Cycles in Urban Mega-Project Development. Journal of Economic Policy Reform. 16:2, 160-178. DOI: 10.1080/17487870.2013.797904.
Farber, S. & M. Grandez. “Transit Accessibility, Land Development and Socioeconomic Priority: A Typology of Planned Station Catchment Areas in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area”. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 10(1), 1-24. DOI: 10.5198/jtlu.2017.980.
Siemiatycki, M. (2018, online first). Developing Homeless Shelters Through Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of the Red Door Family Shelter in Toronto. Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2017.1368299.
Siemiatycki, M. (2015). Mixing Public and Private Uses in the Same Building: Opportunities and Barriers. Journal of Urban Design. 20(2), 230-250. DOI: 10.1080/13574809.2015.1009012.
Subramanyam, Nidhi, & Kudva, Neema. (2020) Acquiescence in the face of dispossession in the Mahindra World City Special Economic Zone, Tamil Nadu, India. Environment & Planning C: Politics and Space 39(1): 114-131. DOI: 10.1177/2399654420941514.
Subramanyam, Nidhi. (2020) A small improvement: Small cities lag in expanding household water coverage across urban India. Water Policy 22(3): 468-482. DOI: 10.2166/wp.2020.116.
Subramanyam, Nidhi, & MacAlister, Charlotte. (2016) Governance of flooding risks in informal settlements in satellite cities in the Mumbai region.” South Asian Water Studies 5(3): 12–27. DOI: 10.7202/1058314ar.

International Doctoral Cluster (IDC):
In partnership with University of Manchester and University of Melbourne, the IDC connects talent around the world to facilitate transformational innovation and ideas, with access to mentoring by a global networking of leading researchers. Current participants include two PhD candidates from University of Manchester, and two PhD candidates from the University of Toronto.