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Monocle - The Urbanist
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Unlocking Public Facilities - Proof of Concept
Over the past year, we’ve worked closely with CreateTO, the City of Toronto’s real estate agency, to examine opportunities of co-locating fire and paramedic stations with affordable housing, social services, and commercial uses. After an enthusiastic response from leadership across the emergency services divisions, our collaboration will continue through the implementation of 1 to 3 pilot projects.
In this stage, we’ve developed six proof of concepts for emergency facility sites holding high development potential. The City owns over 130 fire and paramedic stations across the city with many operating as low-rise buildings in rapidly growing neighbourhoods. A successful pilot has the potential to transform the delivery of public services with a model that can unlock the value of city-owned real estate and become a blueprint across North American cities.
In the News
The Globe & Mail
Monocle - The Urbanist
City News